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The Benefits of Coaching in the Workplace

The Valor Team Dec 16, 2022 2:47:00 PM

If you’re familiar with the term Imposter Syndrome, you might know how detrimental its effects can be on your life. And in case you aren’t familiar with Imposter Syndrome, it can be defined as a psychological struggle in which an individual feels inadequate on many levels and doubts their abilities and accomplishments.

Needless to say, Imposter Syndrome has a massive impact on one’s self-confidence and ability to remain engaged. What some people don’t realize is that Imposter Syndrome is equally as present in the workplace. 

When you or your employees are dealing with Imposter Syndrome on a professional level, it can make completing a task seem nearly impossible. It creates a lingering sense of anxiety and doubt; as if performing wasn’t a concern in the first place. In some cases, it might even cause professionals to reconsider their careers. So when you do see a colleague that feels unqualified, despite having all of the skills necessary to perform, how do you pull them out of it? 

Picture a time when you felt insufficient regarding an obstacle you were facing. Now think about how you managed to overcome that feeling to complete that challenge. Did you research the topic online? Did you solicit advice?  Chances are, your solution was met with the help of an external source. The same goes for a professional setting. For instance, if a  new manager is feeling inexperienced and insecure, their entire team might suffer. Having an external, unbiased opinion could be an invaluable tool to replenish that manager’s confidence. 

A leadership coach can provide a fresh perspective on previously tainted situations; further encouraging self-reflection. It’s why more and more organizations are looking into investing in coaching for their leaders. In fact, according to TechNavio, the market of leadership and employee development is expected to sky-rocket to a whopping $15.78 billion by 2025; a nearly 9% annual increase rate. And we’re here to tell you why.

The Benefits of Coaching

While coaches work alongside leaders, they are able to provide viewpoints that otherwise would have never been recognized. Coaching encourages resilience and enables leaders to embrace change while approaching adversity with a growth mindset. Leadership coaching has been proven to decrease turnover rates, increase productivity and engagement, and attract and retain top talent. 

When you think about coaches, sports most likely come to mind. Coaches are a team’s voice of reason. They are there to witness all of the missteps and mistakes and to create a plan of action to address them; ultimately improving the group as a whole. And the effects of coaching in the workplace can be compared to the effect a coach has on a sports team. You wouldn’t organize a team without a coach, would you? Coaches in the workplace are just as essential. 

In addition to being an external viewpoint, a coach in the workplace can help leaders build confidence and identify areas of opportunity. The value of coaching in the workplace is also becoming apparent to employees. In fact, studies show that 94% of professionals would stay at their current employer if they saw investments in their learning and development skills. Read the individual benefits listed below to understand why. 

Individual Coaching Benefits

The great thing about coaching for an organization is that the benefits go far beyond the organization itself. While leadership coaching helps leaders proactively address challenges in the office, the skills they adopt are equally as relevant in their everyday lives and help them to look at scenarios on a larger scale. 

Stronger Communication

Say you and a colleague aren’t seeing eye to eye on something. With a leadership coach, you would unfold the issue, determine the appropriate communication to resolve the problem, and reflect on the outcome after the issue has been addressed. From this instance, you have learned patience and communication skills for relationships inside and outside your organization.

Time Management

Between responsibilities at work and responsibilities at home, life gets overwhelming. Leadership coaching encourages you to prioritize your tasks and time in an attainable, practical way; allowing you to balance work and life. 

Improved Well-Being

Just like with Imposter Syndrome, it’s easy for us to dwell on past mistakes and question our abilities to perform, both personally and professionally. With a leadership coach, you find ways to move past those mistakes and embrace them as learning opportunities; providing a positive outlook and diminishing any doubt that might’ve hovered as a result.

Benefits of Coaching in the Workplace

In addition to the benefits employees as individuals seek to gain from leadership coaching, their organizations also come out on top. Leadership coaching in an organization is a win-win for both the employees and their employers. While leaders gain skills that can be applied personally and professionally, organizations also thrive in many ways. 

Increased Engagement and Performance 

Proving to your employees that their development is important to your organization is a reward in and of itself. In addition to newfound loyalty received by your leaders, engagement and performance will accelerate as new skills are developed and confidence soars. 

Decrease Burnout 

Burnout happens as a result of several factors. Either an employee doesn't feel appreciated, their workload is too heavy, or they believe there is a lack of opportunity in their role. Leadership coaching encourages open communication, defines metrics to efficiently prioritize tasks, and identifies opportunities for improvement and growth. 

Reduce Turnover 

Leadership coaching is perhaps the most proactive method in preventing employee turnover and decreasing burnout. Providing leadership coaching improves communication, strengthens trust, and enables transparency between employees and employers. All of these factors are crucial in creating an enjoyable working environment.

Valor Performance Coaching as a Solution

To wrap it all up, leadership coaching for an organization is well worth it. Improving your employee’s experiences and enabling them to reach their full potential will pay off for everyone. When looking for a program to utilize for leadership coaching, it’s important that your organization’s goals and needs are clearly understood. With Valor Performance Coaching, your executives will meet directly with the Valor team to discuss areas of opportunity and areas of potential risk to create a customized plan of action that will help you reach your organizational goals. Request a demo to learn more about the difference Valor Performance Coaching can have on your organization.


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