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4 Best Resources to Grow as a Leader

Palmer Barefield May 3, 2023 2:37:05 PM

Any driven leader understands that professional success is a direct result of constant growth and development. It’s the exact reason why things like podcasts, blogs, webinars, etc., even exist: to share information with people that are looking for some sort of educational enlightenment or skill building. So for employers, there are many reasons to invest in employee development and have some sort of continued learning in place is the key to supporting high performance.

When it comes to growth and development, it’s all about choosing the most applicable method for a leader’s unique career path and learning style. With a wide array of options and resources for leaders available, it might seem like an overwhelming choice to move forward with, but it doesn’t have to be. 


1. Professional Development Resources

Professional development resources help leaders expand their hard skills such as software tools or financial literacy. They aid leaders in staying up-to-date with the latest technology and relevant practices to help businesses remain innovative and efficient.

Online courses and certifications

Online courses and certifications, such as the Udemy platform, are becoming increasingly popular because of the convenience and accessibility of these programs. In addition, you can typically explore before you purchase with a free demo or product trial, so you know exactly what you’re getting before you move forward with the investment. 

Professional associations 

A professional association, such as the American Medical Association, is an organization with members who work in or share an interest in a specific job field or industry. Whether it’s joining a linkedin group or attending a webinar, these programs can offer networking opportunities and fuel valuable connections with industry thought leaders. 

Mentoring and networking opportunities

Mentoring and networking opportunities, like the POD Network, involve the transfer of knowledge from one professional to another. They’re especially effective in answering questions for new professionals to create the most efficient solutions. 


Podcasts and webinars are very practical because they allow you to multitask while listening to them. They’re a great way to expand your knowledge or skill set on the go and are ideal for a busy professional. Check out this list of professional development podcasts to listen to. 


2. Leadership Style Resources

Although hard skills might be a focus of skill building in professional development programs, the best programs are twofold – meaning they help leaders develop soft skills as well. Soft skills like communication and time management are what make long lasting impacts to a company’s culture, build high performing, resilient teams, and that ultimately contributes to the overall health of any business. 

Online courses and certifications

Online leadership courses, such as Valor coaching, can help build strong managers to develop highly effective and engaged teams. These courses are beneficial for teams that are experiencing challenges, rapid growth, reorganizations, etc., and help teams remain proactive and productive in times of uncertainty. 

Professional associations and organizations

Organizations like the Association of Leadership Programs host webinars, conferences and seminars to connect, educate, and inspire leadership throughout all industries.

Industry events and conferences

Because decision-makers understand the importance of leadership amongst managers and teams, there are conferences that dive into many realms of leadership development. Here is a list of the top 23 leadership conferences to attend in 2023. 

Mentoring and networking opportunities

Mentoring and networking opportunities such as the Global Leaders Summit connects professionals for a comprehensive leadership development experience. 


As mentioned previously, podcasts are a great tool to learn from because of their versatility and convenience. Here is a list of the top 14 leadership podcasts you should listen to. 


3. Personal Development Resources

Similar to leadership development, personal development resources offer both soft and hard skills. They are especially impactful when it comes to developing skills that can be applied outside of a professional setting for real life situations. 

Online courses and certifications

Whether you’re interested in strengthening your communications skills or want to pick up a new hobby, personal development courses can offer both. Here’s a list of 7 free online courses for personal development.

Professional associations and organizations

Associations like the American Society for Training and Development offer a multitude of programs for learning and performance professionals, educators, and students. 

Industry events and conferences

Conferences like Think Better Live Better offer discussions centered around becoming your best self and taking action to reclaim your happiness. 

Mentoring and networking opportunities

Although personal development is already tied to most types of conferences and mentoring programs, here is a list of 10 networking events that strengthen your personal and professional development.


With so many podcasts dedicated to personal development, this one was difficult to narrow down. Here is a lengthy list of 100 personal development podcasts that might apply to you.


4. Communication Resources

Communication is at the forefront of any practice that involves development, because communication is involved in every aspect of what we do. From our personal to professional lives, here’s some resources worth exploring that help fortify communication. 

Online courses and certifications

SkillPath offers courses and seminars to help professionals become better communicators in their work lives and in their personal lives. 

Professional associations and organizations

Since any type of networking centers around communication, it only makes sense that there are several powerful organizations and associations that focus on instilling effective communication. Here’s a list of 10 Communication Associations to explore.

Industry events and conferences

The National Communication Association offers virtual and in person events to help foster communicative growth and development as well as networking. 


Everyone can benefit from sharpening their communication skills. Here’s a list of the top 16 podcasts to boost your communication skills

Going Beyond the Resources

As humans, growth and development is something that we never stop doing. Both our work and personal lives center around evolution. So when you’re choosing avenues to support your growth, it’s often smart to go with the option that poses benefits to both. Valor coaching is a unique approach that does just that. 

Through a 1:1 digital coaching experience, leaders have the opportunity to meet with an experienced coach to strengthen both soft and hard skills that apply to both work and life. Valor coaching goes beyond the individual by understanding a company’s organizational goals as well, to tie everything together for a lasting impact that affects organizations and individuals alike. 

At this point, you know how important it is to offer professionals continued learning and development. When a leader is presented with avenues to grow, it allows them to do their job more effectively and also proves how much their company values them. Learn more about continuous learning and skill improvement for high-performers and leaders. Explore Valor coaching!

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